Hair Plane 

After my last disastrous visit to the hairdresser,  I had left as long as humanly possible elapse before returning to the scene of the crime, as it were. I have not had my hair cut or coloured since, “the incident” a while ago when I revolted while in mid-salon. I have muddled through since but […]

Clean Sweep

For anyone that thinks they are indispensable, the sad truth is that they are not; not at work anyway. They are irreplaceable and precious no doubt to their friends and family but no matter how talented they are, an organisation will continue to roll on without them when they leave.  There are certainly those who […]

Seven Point Five Hours 

I am just a normal nine to fiver these days – have been for a while – and technically I am contracted to work 75 hours a fortnight or 37.5 hours a week made up from five days of seven and a half hours each. It does not always work out that way and my […]

Sunday Bloody Sunday

I had a few things to do today. I knew I wanted to get some stuff done but I kind of went and overdid it because there is a thing that I think everyone does when preparing the house for visitors, which is to make it a slightly better house then the one you live […]

The bunker

We were wrong all along, of course. We thought the problem was that without the lift the difficulty would be getting stuff into the place, but of course that can sort of be managed. Yesterday I took over to my parents’ place four boxes of wine – an immensity of booze – which will easily […]

Keep Calm, Malm

My husband kissed me goodbye this morning and announced as he did so that he would walk the dogs when he got home. That was pretty good of him considering he has a filthy cold that developed from nowhere but it did leave me free to do what I had to do this evening. I […]

Ring Ring 

‘Come with me,’ my husband said, and foolishly I did, even though he did not use a voice which suggested it would be a good idea. His voice actually suggested that he already knew he was correct and had got 60 minutes to enjoy being right for an hour longer.  ‘We are here,’ he explained, […]

What Went Wrong?

I finished up at the event site yesterday and went straight home. It felt like there was not one bit of me that did not ache: my head, my teeth, my back, my legs. My knee, which had been quite good was also playing up and more than anything I craved silence and solitude. I […]

In the Belly of the Beast 

I have not posted for a few days because things have been mad. We manage an event every year and last year was also very busy but that was the year I had committed to a blog post a day. This year with no such commitment made – even though I am still posting six […]

Like a Glove 

As the weather has been as cold as it has been wet lately, I had transferred my gloves from my sleeveless showerproof  jacket to the big ‘stadium’ windproof and waterproof coat. The coat is actually really good. It has a tough no-nonsense approach to protection, which involves a layer of tough waterproof fabric on the […]