Body Count

It had seemed daft to travel all the way from Australia and not visit Brighton. Gatwick is a mere 55 minutes from Dublin and that kind of gives the illusion that you can be there in the blink of an eye. Maybe this is the case for more brutally efficient travellers, but when your tour […]

Brighton Rocks

It had been a while between drinks when the train from Gatwick terminal pulled into Brighton Station and yet, as with an old friend, the familiarities soon outweighed the changes that time had wrought. I used to have a theory when I was living in Brighton – over a decade ago – that people would […]

Big Feckin Hill

The trip to Howth was my first time back on the ol’ DART since we arrived back in Dublin. If you look at a map of Ireland, and zoom in on Dublin, Howth is the knobbly bump hanging off the north side of the bay like a skin tag and is also the launching off […]

Poddy Doyle

The Dublin Festival is on this week and there were a number of shows in the line-up that crossed over with my subscription list. Scroobius Pip was in town, but I have not listened to many of his recent shows. A full phone which keeps bleating at me that it needs more storage space (like […]


If the flurry of excitement on Twitter was to be believed, the remake of the the BBC show, Poldark was a thing of beauty – or rather the sight of the leading actor wearing a white shirt open to the waist while scything corn in a field was anyway. My memories of the original show […]

Argle Bargle

I am well behind on my posts now on account of my iPad giving up the ghost on our first day in Cornwall. I am not sure what happened, but I think it may have been the combination of an already failing battery and the drain on its dwindling life force by hotspotting the internet […]


When you live in Australia, it is not hard to become somewhat blase about distance. I have driven to Adelaide from Perth once and hundreds of kilometres between cities since then. When calculating a distance for driving in Perth you can pretty much work on 100 kilometres being an hour, because once you get out […]

Up and Away

I knew when I had demanded the side trip to the UK that it would involve another flight but there is always a price to pay. In this case, though, the price was not too steep. We had enquired about Aer Lingus, but even though the travel agent assured us the price was more or […]

A City in a Day

After visiting Dublin to do some necessary shopping on our first day here, we went back to the city the next day for a proper walk about. This is not my first trip to Dublin, I visited the city on my own years ago and with my husband shortly before we left to go to […]

Leaping about

If there is one thing the Irish want to make absolutely clear about their public transport system, it is that it’s FAST. Never mind the sight of the rambling green trains on the rail network. Don’t let that fool you, just look at the name: D.A.R.T. The acronym stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transport and […]