
I had to go out to the shops today. Yeah you guessed it, bananas again. Instead of going to the Chinese market which sells vegetables and fruit, I made the mistake of popping into our local shopping centre. It is slightly nearer and I had in the back of my mind the idea that I […]

New Balls, Please

The Hopman cup started today in Perth. They hold it here every year and have done for ages and every year for as long as I can remember, I have bought my mum two tickets to go and see the event. I buy her two because I hate tennis so I will – literally as […]

Hello Ducky

‘See,’ I said to my husband, ‘that is why I don’t do any shopping after the 22nd of December. We had both turned our heads at a terrible crunching sound to watch a Mercedes, driven by an older gentleman, mount a thick concrete median strip in a car park in a desperate attempt to escape. […]


We had our 70s night tonight. We have one every Xmas and have done for years. I can not remember exactly how it began but I suspect it started with a bit of mild reminiscing and developed into full blown recession over the course of the conversation. The first one we did had outfits and […]

Nos da

I am sure that there are many kids of my generation who would have had a similar experience. Lying in a cosy bed and being shaken awake. Wanting to stay in your pyjamas but being made to climb out of their warmth and into an outfit that had been laid out the night before. Bundled […]

Up and Down

It was the first full day of my holiday break today. I left the office a couple of days ago but had a weekend, which doesn’t count and then a teleconference yesterday. If truth be told, I did have my first Xmas drink on Sunday night. I tweeted a picture of it, a warm rust-coloured […]

It’s beginning to look …

I pulled the car up at the traffic lights where I had to turn right onto the highway and all I could see through my windscreen was thick, grey cloud. I should not have been surprised, because the forecast had been for heavy rain and generally awful weather, which might be acceptable in the UK […]

Ramblin man

I sat in the other day on a Skype call that my mum was having with Brother Two. I had just delivered Brother One to my parents’ house from the airport and happened to still be there when the regular weekend call came through. I guess it is a sad fact of any parent’s life […]


I have just written an angry email and now I am kind of wishing I had not. For one thing, I sincerely doubt it will do any good, for another, it has just made me even more angry than I was when I started writing it – and I was already pretty angry, and for […]

Soft landing

I was driving back home from my parents’ place on Saturday after having dropped Brother One over there. His plane had arrived safely from Thailand a few hours earlier and we had spent a few hours catching up, before he disappeared off to bed to catch up on the sleep that his overnight flight had […]