Halfway there

I was driving my dogs back from the park this morning when I noticed that the windscreen was a bit foggy on the inside. The mornings and evenings have become quite suddenly quite colder, which is OK by me but does make getting out of bed in the morning a little more difficult. I flipped […]

Tech support

These days, it seems, the information highway is moving faster than ever and with it the need for 24/7 support for those relying on it more and more to connect to the world through the maze of online platforms. Like my mother. I was just sitting down to dinner on Sunday night when she reared […]

Jill Reader

It has been quiet on the blog recently. I sort of knew this would eventually happen once I lifted the rule about posting once a day, but I am trying to post once a week at least. Life has been a bit busy – not so busy that the effort could not have been made […]