Thyme’s Up

Of course the minute it began to take off, I should have known it was too good to last. Neither my husband nor I are particularly talented in the way of gardening and it has to be said we do not invest a lot into it, other than an annual splurge of around $200 as […]


The main challenge with my house, other than trying to keep it warm in winter, is the lighting. I have not done much with the lighting in our place – that is to say I have done almost nothing. I have bought a few floor lamps so we don’t rely totally on the depressing overhead […]

Off her Trolley

The message notification slid silently into view. ‘Does Aldi do online?’ Immediately I smelled a rat. ‘No.’ I replied. I offered no explanation, either – best to shut these things down, or before you know it… A day passed. ‘Do Aldi deliver?’ My mother again, of course, and I should have known better than to […]

The Visitor

The guy with the house behind and to the left of ours puts a tray of bird seed on a ledge at the point where the downward diagonal slope of his roof meets the upward vertical line of the wall. It is of little use to me, but it attracts a number of birds to […]

False Alarm

‘Oh full of scorpions is my mind!’ exclaims Macbeth at one point in the play and frankly I can fully sympathise with him after the last few weeks. My head has been busy with assignments, going away for a week leading a team of fifty and the play for which I was helping with production […]

Halfway there

I was driving my dogs back from the park this morning when I noticed that the windscreen was a bit foggy on the inside. The mornings and evenings have become quite suddenly quite colder, which is OK by me but does make getting out of bed in the morning a little more difficult. I flipped […]

Tech support

These days, it seems, the information highway is moving faster than ever and with it the need for 24/7 support for those relying on it more and more to connect to the world through the maze of online platforms. Like my mother. I was just sitting down to dinner on Sunday night when she reared […]

Jill Reader

It has been quiet on the blog recently. I sort of knew this would eventually happen once I lifted the rule about posting once a day, but I am trying to post once a week at least. Life has been a bit busy – not so busy that the effort could not have been made […]

Who me? No, I’m adopted, actually

It is hard being the well behaved one, isn’t it? The menace, the trouble-maker, the naughty boy always gets the attention because he is always doing something he shouldn’t. He is either chasing bikes or chasing people on bikes or rolling around in the mud or barking at the fence – because, of course, it […]

The Banana King Has Passed

Every family has its own lore, developed over the years. Phrases built on mispronounced words by children that become part of the group story, memorable moments which get raked up every Xmas to embarrass someone or sayings that become so hammered into the rhythm of life that they become indistinguishable from the norm. One such […]