I Am No Kirk

I am doing a creative challenge and had two whole days to expand my ideas and let them take flight. Why am I surprised that it did not happen? First, there was the emotional trauma of the failed trip to the hairdressers yesterday and then there is the anticipated trauma of my mother’s birthday next week. […]

With My Head Held Low

I tried to get my hair done today. I tried and I failed. I have bad hair, but it is not wild. It is not madly frizzy, or orange. It is just light brown with a few strands of grey that is currently cut into a bad bob by the last bad experience I had […]

The Light and the Dark

I am having quite the interesting week, really. It is amazing just how much stuff you can find on the internet when you have an assignment due. I have actually drafted my essay. It is only three thousand words, but while I have had little problem with the quantity, the quality, I fear, will be […]


They stood unmoving at the task Struck dumb; not knowing how to ask. Their heads were grey, their wheels were black Lined up in rows along the track. But though they did not understand They felt the heat of her command She lit their necks with coloured lights And taught them dances in the night. […]

My how the trees have grown

Creative Challenge, Day Three. Today’s exercise was to listen to a piece of music and think about it. Normally I can squeeze a narrative line out of just about anything, but I did not find it easy with this one. The music repeated and swirled, had a strong drive – which made me think of […]

Words among the Flowers 

As I dropped my husband off to work on Monday morning before 6am, it was still dark. Walking the dogs, I was struck by the solitary beauty of the war memorial and adjacent empty flagpole that were spot lit from the ground, ready and waiting for today’s dawn service. Today has been Anzac Day in […]

Bury Me In Colourful Socks

Creative Challenge Day Two – This was a weird one for me. We were asked to think about a picture that we were given a link to. I came up with a number of ideas, but this is the one that made it through to 6pm when I had time to sit down and post. […]

The Ghost of Madelaine Head 

She was in the bath when the phone went. The bathroom was an ensuite, part of their parents’ room and she was using it because it was the one nearest to her bedroom. She had been off school since Tuesday feeling shaky and tired and her mum had let her stay at home. She had […]

Calamity Train

My husband’s alarm at 4.15 am barely registered as I determined to sleep through, but the phone call he got half a hour later did. I heard him exchange a few words and then his voice as he stood in the doorway. ‘There is a problem with the train. I am going through tonight.’ ‘OK.’ […]

Days of the Dead

It occurs to me that my recent blog posts have been rather focused on death. I hasten to advise that this is not because I have become a goth, but rather because I have been relying too heavily on using this blog as a personal diary and not doing enough to try and flex my […]