
Once again, it was Twitter’s fault. Despite my reduced time on the platform later due to an increasing list of annoyances, I was flicking through it idly this morning when I saw a cry for help. ‘Can someone,’ cried a lone voice – whom I did not recognise, but who had somehow ended up in […]


I am going to have to change the way Monday night unfurls itself. Tuesday morning is bin day and so Monday night the bins go out, which means I put off doing any hoovering until Monday by using the excuse that the best day to empty the Hoover is the day I get rid of […]

Egg – hausted 

Boy, the mornings sure are tough around here lately. The weather has been weird, really weird. I can not remember such a cool summer. I can not remember ever having seen rain in summer, let alone repeatedly. I have never in summer got under a duvet and shut the window at 3 am because the […]

Cauliflower Rice 

The  carb-free life feels like a relentless one, particularly when the weight is not shedding off your body in direct proportion to the pangs of longing you are feeling for the bread, pasta sugar and rice that are no longer part of your life. If someone had asked me to guess, I would have estimated […]

Lemony goodness

The problem is with lemons, is that a few lemons can go a long way, so when you have a glut on your hands, it is quite a challenge using them up. Over the years I have tried a couple of different approaches to this. A glut of other fruit is generally managed with a […]

Date and Walnut loaf

You know? Today has been shitty. Today started with tears once again as reports emerged of yet another terrible mass shooting in America. I thought about the blog today. As I walked my dogs this morning, I thought about growing up in the 70s in the UK while the IRA waged a guerilla war. I […]


If you love to cook and love to read about cooking, and you have not read any Nigel Slater, can I politely suggest that you do yourself a favour and get acqainted? He may not be the most high profile of the UK’s cookery writers, but that is because he does not do half as […]

Burger Queen 

 A while ago I mentioned to someone that I had been to a European supermarket in our area. It mainly stocks Italian produce. ‘I know why you went there,’ she declared, ‘It was the mozzarella burgers, wasn’t it?’ It most certainly not not been, because I had never heard of such a thing – but […]