Made for Walking 

Being British, I am not sure why it is that I have so much difficulty pinning down exactly what makes a British film so essentially, er… British. I fling around, trying to find the words to describe the essence that makes them instantly recogniseable. ‘Small’ springs to mind, as does, ‘grey’ and ‘grim’ but that […]

Butterflies are not so free

A few years ago, I heard an interview with the actor Toby Jones about a film he was in, called Berberian Sound Studio. On the strength of that interview, and the subsequent review by Mark Kermode I bought the Blu Ray and have since tried on two occasions to watch it, both times failing to get […]

Desperately seeking Aid 

I joined another Netflix-type site recently for a moth free trial. So far, the trial is going well. The problem I have with these services is that they have a lot of TV content – al ot of which is great – but not half as many movies as I had hoped, and the movies […]

Room with a view 

My 99c movie last week was one that many may have avoided when it was released because the subject matter was not easy. Indeed I may have been one of those people – even though I had heard reviews that supported it. The first third of the film introduces us to Ma and Jack, who […]

Who’s that girl?

I finally began cracking through the backlog of 99c movies last week and started with The Danish Girl. I had heard a bit of discussion about the movie when it was released in the UK some time ago – including the question of a possible second consecutive Oscar nod for Eddie Redmayne so was expecting […]

Not that Intelligent

Central Intelligence was not a 99 c movie and it is not one I would have normally watched, but I had heard a review of it and the review did not stink so I decided that a film which was basically an odd-couple comedy thriller might be OK for a Saturday night. The two mismatched leads […]

Reel life drama 

I am not sure quite why it has happened this way, but I seem to have heard a number of Ron Howard interviews recently. He really does come across as one of the nice guys of the entertainment industry – in the occasional ‘junket’ interview I have listen to, he has always seemed engaged, interested […]

Voice of an angel

In the late eighties I used to spend time with a great friend who had the most amazing collection of CDs. She would buy them for a number of reasons: nostalgia, melody and of course, comedy. We would sit and drink wine, or vodka or something and talk while the music played. Good times. Among […]

Oh Carol

I finally got around the seeing the film Carol last weekend. It had been on my list of films to watch and when it popped up as a 99c movie, I rented it and then waited until the 27th of the 28 days I had to watch it before pressing play. Why did I wait […]

Dublin Rocks

Last week I was left without a 99c movie to watch to turned to a new DVD release that I had heard good things about when it was released some time ago. Sing Street is set in Dublin and is the third film in what might be described as a loose trilogy by film maker […]